Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Andrea Cisneros VDA. de Navarro

Entrepreneur of The Banco Rio Grande, Tejutla
established by some funds from One Heart Action Group
added to those from donors to HELP International
(the cycle term of all the loans is 6 months with the payments collected monthly)

Age: 70
Business: Selling Clothes
Loan Amount: $200 (US)
Loan Use: Purchased a greater variety of clothes to expand
Payment Amount: $45.33 (principal $33.33, Interest $6.00, Savings $6.00)

"I have had a business selling clothing for three years. I have always enjoyed business. When my husband died I had to find a way to cover my economic needs, and even though my children help, I did not wnat to leave them with all of the responsibility. With the loan that I recieved from the bank I can strengthen my business, and I have already been able to buy more merchandise."

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