Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mirna Estela Martinez

Entrepreneur of The Banco Rio Grande, Tejutla
established by some funds from One Heart Action Group
added to those from donors to HELP International
(the cycle term of all the loans is 6 months with the payments collected monthly)

Age: 28
Business: Raise Chickens
Loan Use: I purchased chickens and feed
Loan Amount: $150 (US)
Payment amount: $34.00 (principal $25.00, Interest $4.50, Savings $4.50)

"I have always had the desire to start a chicken farm but have not had the funding necessary to be able to do so. This desire was fulfilled when I received a loan from the bank which I used to establish my chicken farm. Through the grace of God I have begun to sell chickens and with the profit I can support the income of my family."

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